Informations utiles/Useful information

Attention: il n'ya pas des commerces à Montmin sauf des magazins de souvenir ou en peu acheter saucisson et produit locale. N'oublier pas d'acheter votre nourriture avant monter.
Attention: Do not forget to buy food before you come up the hill. There are no food stores in Montmin only Souvenir shops, at one of these you can buy local products such as saucisson etc.
Il est possible aussi d'acheter des fromages et du beurre frais chez le producteur; aller au Col de la Forclaz, monter directement à la ferme. Le ferme au Chalet de L'Aulp servir aussi des fromages (reblechon, tomme et tomme blanche).
It is possible to buy fresh cheese and butter from the local farmers. Go directly to the farm at Col de la Forclaz (cheese and butter) or to the Farm at the Chalet de L'Aulp (reblechon, tomme and tomme blanche) or to the Goats farm in the main village of Montmin called "Chef Lieu" for some nice goats cheese.
Histoire de Montmin/History
Il n'y a pas si longtemps que ça, Montmin était un village agricole. Aujourd'hui, les exploitations sont moins nombreuses, mais tentent de subsister.
It was not so long ago that Montmin was an agricultural village. Today the agricultural industry has deminished, though it still exists with dairy farming and forest exploitation.
La commune confirme sa vocation touristique et développe chaque année un peu plus ses activités sportives et culturelles."Monte medio" est le mot latin qui signifie "moyenne montagne".
The commune of Montmin has been developing over the years its tourist industry with sporting and cultural activities. There is a "Monte medio" adventure site (rock climbing, monkey bridge, flying fox, abseiling) which was developed by a local High Mountain Guide. Monte medio is the latin word meaning middle mountain.
L'existence de ce village remonte environ au début du millénaire, tout de suite après la construction de l'Abbaye de Talloires. La Vierge serait apparue au lieu-dit "Sept Fontaines", qui reste d'ailleurs un lieu de pèlerinage. On dit que ses eaux sont bienfaisantes.
The village of Montmin is located at 1,000 m altitude and made up of 7 small "hameaux" and the population is now around 320 people. The valley is framed to the west by the mountains of Chenevier which run the length of Lake Annecy and on the East by the Tournette. The oldest house in the village dates back to the middle ages and we can only suppose that the first "hameaux" dates back to the beginning of the year 1000, straight after the construction of the Abbay in Talloires. Some claim to have seen the Virgin Mary at the site of the Seven Fountains (Plan Montmin), where every year a pelerinage takes place on the 15th of August. They say that the waters of the seven fountains are beneficially healing.
En hiver, le stade de neige accueille essentiellement les débutants et les enfants. Deux pistes ensoleillées permettent d'évoluer à son rythme tout en s’amusant.
In winter, the small village ski run (2 T bars) weclomes mainly beginners and children. There are two sunny runs permitting beginners to learn at their own rythme while amusing themselves at the same time. There is also an area to the side for toboganing. Ski instructors are on site.
En été, la randonnée la plus connue est celle de La Tournette. En chemin, il faut absolument s’arrêter au gîte de Pré-Vérel ou encore au Col de l'Aulp, pour en visiter la ferme. Mais il y'a des nombreuse randonnée a fait en famille.
In summer, the most well known walks include The Tournette (2,357 m), The Dent l'Anfon and the Crete de Mouche. There are also a lot of easy walks for the family. On the road to climb the Tournette you can stop at the Gite de Pré-Verel or the Farm at the Col de l'Aulp for a visit.
Ce petit village de montagne, niché à mi-chemin entre les eaux calmes du lac d'Annecy et les sommets enneigés de la Tournette (2 357 m) vous enchantera par sa diversité.
The little village of Montmin will enchant you by its diversity and its beauty.
Lieux et monuments
Belvédère du col de la Forclaz, dominant le Lac d'Annecy, d'où décolle les parapentes et les deltaplanes.
Randonnée sur la Tournette, somment du Lac d'Annecy.
Attention: Do not forget to buy food before you come up the hill. There are no food stores in Montmin only Souvenir shops, at one of these you can buy local products such as saucisson etc.
Il est possible aussi d'acheter des fromages et du beurre frais chez le producteur; aller au Col de la Forclaz, monter directement à la ferme. Le ferme au Chalet de L'Aulp servir aussi des fromages (reblechon, tomme et tomme blanche).
It is possible to buy fresh cheese and butter from the local farmers. Go directly to the farm at Col de la Forclaz (cheese and butter) or to the Farm at the Chalet de L'Aulp (reblechon, tomme and tomme blanche) or to the Goats farm in the main village of Montmin called "Chef Lieu" for some nice goats cheese.
Histoire de Montmin/History
Il n'y a pas si longtemps que ça, Montmin était un village agricole. Aujourd'hui, les exploitations sont moins nombreuses, mais tentent de subsister.
It was not so long ago that Montmin was an agricultural village. Today the agricultural industry has deminished, though it still exists with dairy farming and forest exploitation.
La commune confirme sa vocation touristique et développe chaque année un peu plus ses activités sportives et culturelles."Monte medio" est le mot latin qui signifie "moyenne montagne".
The commune of Montmin has been developing over the years its tourist industry with sporting and cultural activities. There is a "Monte medio" adventure site (rock climbing, monkey bridge, flying fox, abseiling) which was developed by a local High Mountain Guide. Monte medio is the latin word meaning middle mountain.
L'existence de ce village remonte environ au début du millénaire, tout de suite après la construction de l'Abbaye de Talloires. La Vierge serait apparue au lieu-dit "Sept Fontaines", qui reste d'ailleurs un lieu de pèlerinage. On dit que ses eaux sont bienfaisantes.
The village of Montmin is located at 1,000 m altitude and made up of 7 small "hameaux" and the population is now around 320 people. The valley is framed to the west by the mountains of Chenevier which run the length of Lake Annecy and on the East by the Tournette. The oldest house in the village dates back to the middle ages and we can only suppose that the first "hameaux" dates back to the beginning of the year 1000, straight after the construction of the Abbay in Talloires. Some claim to have seen the Virgin Mary at the site of the Seven Fountains (Plan Montmin), where every year a pelerinage takes place on the 15th of August. They say that the waters of the seven fountains are beneficially healing.
En hiver, le stade de neige accueille essentiellement les débutants et les enfants. Deux pistes ensoleillées permettent d'évoluer à son rythme tout en s’amusant.
In winter, the small village ski run (2 T bars) weclomes mainly beginners and children. There are two sunny runs permitting beginners to learn at their own rythme while amusing themselves at the same time. There is also an area to the side for toboganing. Ski instructors are on site.
En été, la randonnée la plus connue est celle de La Tournette. En chemin, il faut absolument s’arrêter au gîte de Pré-Vérel ou encore au Col de l'Aulp, pour en visiter la ferme. Mais il y'a des nombreuse randonnée a fait en famille.
In summer, the most well known walks include The Tournette (2,357 m), The Dent l'Anfon and the Crete de Mouche. There are also a lot of easy walks for the family. On the road to climb the Tournette you can stop at the Gite de Pré-Verel or the Farm at the Col de l'Aulp for a visit.
Ce petit village de montagne, niché à mi-chemin entre les eaux calmes du lac d'Annecy et les sommets enneigés de la Tournette (2 357 m) vous enchantera par sa diversité.
The little village of Montmin will enchant you by its diversity and its beauty.
Lieux et monuments
Belvédère du col de la Forclaz, dominant le Lac d'Annecy, d'où décolle les parapentes et les deltaplanes.
Randonnée sur la Tournette, somment du Lac d'Annecy.
- Oratoire et chapelle des Sept-fontaines du XVIIe siècle.
- Eglise néo-classique sarde (1848), consacré à Saint-Mauric